Why is milk creamy

Homogenization prevents the cream from separating out of the milk. Commercially produced milk is standardized to yield products of varying fat content. The specific fat content is controlled by government food standards which vary from country to country. For example, in the United States, federal regulations specify 3. A 1 cup serving of whole milk contains about calories and 8g fat.

For a 1 cup serving of various types of cream, the numbers are: half and half - calories, 28g fat, light cream - calories, 46g fat, heavy cream - calories, 88g fat. Milk and cream are good sources of protein, fat, carbohydrates and a variety of essential nutrients including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamins A, D and B The Australian Food Standards Code allows the components of milk, such as lactose, protein, fat or vitamins and minerals to be adjusted by adding or removing those components to produce a consistent product.

In earlier times natural variations in colour that would have occurred in milk because of differences between cow breeds or the pasture are now standardised and the bright, white colour consistent. There are no artificial colours added to give milk its white appearance in Australia.

Dairy Matters. You ask, we answer. It is produced by culturing any of the following milk products alone or in combination: cream, milk, partially skimmed milk or skim milk with appropriate characterizing bacteria. The addition of certain characterizing ingredients and lactic-acid producing bacteria may permit, for example, the product to be labeled "kefir cultured milk," "acidophilus cultured milk," or "cultured buttermilk.

Half-and-Half - Consists of a mixture of milk and cream containing not less than Light Cream - contains not less than 18 percent milkfat, but less than 30 percent.

Light cream may also be called "coffee cream" or "table cream. Light Whipping Cream - contains not less than 30 percent milkfat, but less than 36 percent milkfat. Light whipping cream may also be called "whipping cream. Heavy Cream - contains not less than 36 percent milkfat. Heavy cream may also be called "heavy whipping cream. Sour Cream - is the product resulting from the addition of lactic acid-producing bacteria to pasteurized cream containing not less than 18 percent milkfat.

Sour cream may also be called "cultured sour cream. The cheese curd is formed by the addition of either lactic acid producing bacteria or acidifiers. Our Gold Top milk is really something special when it comes to the dairy aisle of your average supermarket. We absolutely love pouring it over cereal or using it in porridge, or using it to bake our favourite recipes — and we know our customers love it too.

Its creamy texture and deliciously indulgent flavour is absolutely second to none in our book, but what is it that gives each bottle these sought-after qualities? So anyone lucky enough to open a new bottle would get to enjoy this part to themselves! So what makes it so creamy?


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