Why meow mix is bad
Trader joes has wet food that isn't too stinky in my opinion. Originally Posted by gailuvscats You can start to change with half and half for a week, and then gradually increasse the good and get rid of the bad. Meow Mix is a very poor quality and Iams is about medium quality, I think you actually took a step backwards switching to Meow Mix, but neither are all that great. I really think that the food is related to her health problems. There are two brands of food that I have found to be very reasonably priced compared to the low quality foods.
I am sure the smaller bags are comparable. Just look around and compare, avoid grains as the first ingredients. Avoid by-products or any "meats" where they don't specify what kinds. Look for specific meats as the first few ingredients chicken, turkey, etc.
At least the first one or two, ideally three. If wet food smells turn your stomach, there is a brand, I think it is Merricks. They make some wet foods that actually look and smell pretty good.
One is called Grammy's Pot Pie and that is exactly what it looks like Pot Pie! They are really not all that bad. You should look into that since wet food is really healthy. Originally Posted by Jen Meow Mix is a very poor quality and Iams is about medium quality, I think you actually took a step backwards switching to Meow Mix, but neither are all that great.
Originally Posted by Kai Bengals Yes, it's pretty bad as far as quality ingredients are concerned. Originally Posted by batgirl2good What kinds of raw meat do you feed? I feel kind of bad about this whole food thing. Their coats were shiny, they were healthy About two years ago, I started to notice that the CatChow was simply not doing the job. My insiders were NOT shiny, they had dandruff I'd never seen that on a cat and they looked like walking footballs.
I now have the whole family on KittenChow again, and their coats are shiny, only one has dandruff and that is the Maine Coon and nobody looks like a walking football.
I tried contacting Purina and asking them what the hell happened. They treated me like I had two screws loose and was 9 cans shy of a six-pack. Aside from the by-products which if you REALLY got into them would simply make you sick, I'm not sure about the grains they use because of the genetic modification issues.
I just feel so badly for my babies, I mean they are OK now, but I have the feeling I am going to need to change them again. Joined May 11, Messages 8, Purraise I feed my kids the wet Meow Mix, but only feed them high-quality dry like Nutro. If you go through the ingredients, you'll find a lot of things that a cat's body can't use and you'll also find a huge amount of processing and preserving and general artificial-ness.
This recipe begins with two corn ingredients — ground yellow corn and corn gluten meal. After chicken by-product meal, we return to the plant theme with soybean meal, which is often used as a high-protein animal feed. The recipe includes multiple artificial colors. The company is well-established and one of the biggest pet food brands worldwide, but its popularity has been accompanied by numerous recalls and a history of scandal.
The PETA film exposed inhumane treatment of animals in filthy conditions. Iams products are manufactured in company-owned facilities located in Ohio, Nebraska, and North Carolina.
Iams has had multiple recalls during its plus years in business. Just one month later, Iams issued a third recall, again due to concerns about salmonella contamination.
In December of , Iams puppy dry dog food was recalled due to aflatoxin mold contamination. No cat food was affected. Iams Shakeables dog treats were recalled for potential mold growth. No cat food was recalled. Later in the year, several other dog food formulas were recalled due to salmonella potential. The meat ingredients are a combination of vague labeling and specificity.
The food contains chicken by-product meal, chicken, animal fat, dried egg product, and natural flavor. Both corn meal and corn grits are prominent on the ingredient list.
The recipe also includes brewers rice, a rice by-product made from milled rice kernel fragments. Little Friskies was the first dry food made specifically for cats. The brand was acquired by Nestle in If you only pay attention to their selection of wet food, Friskies is nutritionally superior to some other products at a similar price. The wet foods are superior to the dry ones — they offer necessary moisture and contain lower concentrations of plant ingredients.
On the other hand, Friskies dry food uses generous amounts of corn, along with other suboptimal inclusions like artificial colors. Like most other Purina products, Friskies is manufactured in the United States from primarily North American ingredients.
Friskies was recalled in due to potential salmonella contamination. Only Friskies Grillers Blend dry cat food was affected by the recall. The food is packed with grains and other plant ingredients. The first ingredient is ground yellow corn, followed by corn gluten meal. Soybean meal is also included. Most of the meat ingredients are vaguely named; the recipe includes chicken by-product meal, beef tallow, meat and bone meal, ocean fish meal, animal liver flavor, salmon meal, and crab meal.
While most foods use natural flavor additives, this one uses artificial flavors. Most formulas are laden with plant ingredients and fillers. In March of , all Science Diet Savory Cuts canned cat foods were recalled due to concerns about melamine contamination. However, a more probing look at the formula reveals serious flaws. Mallory Crusta offers simple, honest knowledge about natural cat care and products that work so that you can spend less time researching natural cat care and more time having fun with your cat.
She blogs about it at WildernessCat. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My cat has been having anal gland trouble. She loves Fancy Feast wet food. Is there a better food for her? Thank you Shelli Trowbridge. Depends on your budget.
Fancy Feast canned is still a decent cat food. Low grade brands such as Friskies and fancy feast still work well as mentioned in the article. My expectation is Purina Pro plan and certain Hills products do a good job but as mentioned in the article they can also tend to be subpar.
What kind is it to stay away from of the Fancy Feast? Contact Us Disclaimer. While neither of these gums is species-appropriate, carrageenan is particularly bad.
Degraded carrageenan is a known carcinogen and could worsen inflammation. Meow Mix has been a cat food leader for over 40 years. Their food is affordable, easy to find, and cats like it. Multiple generations of cats have grown up and grown old on Meow Mix. On Consumer Affairs , Meow Mix has an average rating of 2.
Multiple people said their cats started vomiting blood or bleeding rectally after eating Meow Mix. Several said their cats recovered after the Meow Mix food was withdrawn. In , people signed a petition asking Meow Mix to issue a recall in light of multiple reports in and of severe vomiting, vomiting blood, and death after eating Meow Mix.
Again, people around the world feed their cats Meow Mix without incident. When your cat gets sick, the last food they ate is an easy potential culprit to blame, but not necessarily the right one. After a short while, they always turn their noses up, especially the elders, and I resort to Meow Mix and a few other old stand-bys to mix in and get them to eat! American cats!! Junk food lovers to be sure!
Little or no shrimp and not good smelling. Whether wet or dry, Meow Mix cat food contains artificial ingredients, added colors, and other additives that could harm your cat over time. Their dry foods are some of the most grain-laden and carbohydrate-loaded products on the market. If you choose to buy Meow Mix, opt for their wet varieties, which offer a carnivore-appropriate distribution of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Meow Mix cat food is sold worldwide. You can buy it online through a host of online retailers, including Chewy and Amazon. I jst bought the Meow Mix wet tenders food to try. My cats love it, and looks good in the bowl. I have not yet found which wet food is the best, steady reading articles. Thank you so much for all the information you are providing! What a nice comment! Thank you for taking a moment to share your story. There are many great wet cat foods out there. You could spend a decade researching this stuff and still have just scratched the surface.
Enjoyed all the valuable info on meow mix wet tender favorites, tuna and shrimp. I have 6 cats and 2 want only that wet food. Smuckers does not care!!! I asked them to have a container of it examined by a lab, a cup I returned to them. They did finally answer me with this,,.. Moisture content was slightly more than usual, but within acceptable range.
What is the best economic cat food you reccomend? What do you recommend? You can definitely feed your kitties well while sticking to a reasonable budget. In case you want to learn more, we have an entire article about the best cheap—and healthy—cat food on the market:. The second one was found two pieces of bone in the wet food as it was put in her dish.
Thank you for sharing your experience. In addition to commenting here, it would be a good idea to file a pet food complaint with the FDA and report your experience directly to Meow Mix. These are two of the best ways to ensure that the right people hear about what happened. We bought a bag of Meow Mix, Hairball Control. Our only cat ate the food one time and immediately starting vomiting. We did not let her eat anymore of the Meow Mix. We took her to the vet for two days straight.